Sandy Silt (pool liners & animal stalls)
Very fine grained sand, no stone. Suitable for under swimming pool liners, bottom of animal stalls, fine grading under loam. Shovels and grades very easily.
Washed Concrete Sand
Sand with no silt and grains of sand up to 3/16″ in diameter. Suitable for mixing concrete, mixing with loam, backfilling pipes and electrical lines, beach sand and volleyball courts. Also used for sanding for snow and ice.
Washed Mason Sand
Sand with no silt and some 1/8″ grains of sand. Used for mixing mortar for bricks, blocks and stone work, good for volleyball courts and beach sand.
Washed Sand and 1/2″ Stone Mix
50/50 mix of washed sand and 1/2″ washed crushed peastone. Suitable for concrete and is used where a very free draining gravel is required. It will not compact very tight.
Washed ASTMC 33 Presby Sand
Sand with no silt and grains of sand up to 3/16″ in diameter. Suitable for all Presby Environmental Septic Systems
Washed Sand and 3/8″ Stone Mix
50/50 mix of washed sand and 3/8″ washed crushed peastone. Suitable for concrete and is used where a very free draining gravel is required. It will not compact very tight.
Washed Title 5 Sand
Sand with no silt and grains of sand up to 1/4″ in diameter. Suitable for raising grade under septic leach fields.